Call to Order 1. Meeting Called to Order by Chair Anderson Closed Meeting and Certification of Closed Meeting (if needed) 2. Allow Board Member Christopher Suarez to Participate by Electronic Means 3. Closed Meeting 4. Certification of Closed Meeting Pledge of Allegiance 5. Pledge of Allegiance by Students from Matthew Maury Elementary School Moment of Silence 6. Observe a Moment of Silence Adoption of Meeting Agenda 7. Adopt the Agenda for the November 7, 2019 School Board Meeting
10. Preliminary Financial Report for September 2019 11. School Bus Procurement 12. Accept the Resignation of Leilani Allwine from the Special Education Advisory Committee 13. Accept Resignation of Brittany Wood from the School Health Advisory Board 14. Re-Appoint Michael Humphreys to the School Health Advisory Board and Grant a Residency Waiver Action 15. Re-Appoint Brooke Sydnor Curran to the School Health Advisory Board 16. Minutes for the September 12 and October 10, 2019 School Board Meetings 17. Endorse Dr. Elaine McSorley-Gerard as the ACPS Representative to the City's Public Health Commission
New Business and Reports to the Board SY 2019-2020 Fall Membership, Transfer, and Student Ratio Report (20 mins.)
Presentation of FY 2021-2030 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Budget (20 mins.)--Documents to be uploaded after the presentation
Call to Order 1. Meeting Called to Order by Chair Anderson Closed Meeting and Certification of Closed Meeting (if needed) 2. Allow Board Member Christopher Suarez to Participate by Electronic Means 3. Closed Meeting 4. Certification of Closed Meeting Pledge of Allegiance 5. Pledge of Allegiance by Students from Matthew Maury Elementary School Moment of Silence 6. Observe a Moment of Silence Adoption of Meeting Agenda 7. Adopt the Agenda for the November 7, 2019 School Board Meeting
10. Preliminary Financial Report for September 2019 11. School Bus Procurement 12. Accept the Resignation of Leilani Allwine from the Special Education Advisory Committee 13. Accept Resignation of Brittany Wood from the School Health Advisory Board 14. Re-Appoint Michael Humphreys to the School Health Advisory Board and Grant a Residency Waiver Action 15. Re-Appoint Brooke Sydnor Curran to the School Health Advisory Board 16. Minutes for the September 12 and October 10, 2019 School Board Meetings 17. Endorse Dr. Elaine McSorley-Gerard as the ACPS Representative to the City's Public Health Commission
New Business and Reports to the Board SY 2019-2020 Fall Membership, Transfer, and Student Ratio Report (20 mins.)
Presentation of FY 2021-2030 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Budget (20 mins.)--Documents to be uploaded after the presentation