Call to Order 1. Meeting Called to Order by Chair Anderson Closed Meeting and Certification of Closed Meeting (if needed) 2. Closed Meeting 3. Certification of Closed Meeting Pledge of Allegiance 4. Pledge of Allegiance by JROTC Cadets from T.C. Williams High School (5 minutes) Moment of Silence 5. Observe a Moment of Silence Adoption of Meeting Agenda 6. Adopt the Agenda for the September 12, 2019 School Board Meeting
9. Personnel Actions for the Month of June 2019 10. Personnel Actions for the Month of July 2019 11. Personnel Actions for the Month of August 2019 12. FY 2021 Budget Calendar, Budget Process Resolution and Rules of Engagement 14. SY 2019-2020 Talented and Gifted Advisory Committee (TAGAC) Scope of Work 15. Re-Appoint Mark Lacy to the Talented and Gifted Advisory Committee 16. Re-Appoint Emily Garrahan to the Talented and Gifted Advisory Committee 17. Re-Appoint John O'Connor to the Athletic Hall of Fame Advisory Committee 18. Re-Appoint Joseph Janukatys to the Career and Technical Education Advisory Committee 19. Appoint Tammy Rotz to the Special Education Advisory Committee 20. Minutes for the June 6 and June 20, 2019 School Board Meetings and the July 23, August 13, and August 22, 2019 Special Called School Board Meetings 21. Waiver of School Board Advisory Committee Chair Term Limit for Career and Technical Education Advisory Committee 22. Design/Build Contract for Ferdinand T. Day Elementary School Elevated Gymnasium
Items Pulled from Consent Calendar SY 2018-2019 Talented and Gifted Advisory Committee (TAGAC) Annual Report
Old Business and Action Items 23. The High School Project (5 minutes) Board Chair's Report 24. Report from Cindy M. Anderson
Superintendent's Report Opening of School Report from Dr. Gregory C. Hutchings, Jr. (10 minutes)
Call to Order 1. Meeting Called to Order by Chair Anderson Closed Meeting and Certification of Closed Meeting (if needed) 2. Closed Meeting 3. Certification of Closed Meeting Pledge of Allegiance 4. Pledge of Allegiance by JROTC Cadets from T.C. Williams High School (5 minutes) Moment of Silence 5. Observe a Moment of Silence Adoption of Meeting Agenda 6. Adopt the Agenda for the September 12, 2019 School Board Meeting
9. Personnel Actions for the Month of June 2019 10. Personnel Actions for the Month of July 2019 11. Personnel Actions for the Month of August 2019 12. FY 2021 Budget Calendar, Budget Process Resolution and Rules of Engagement 14. SY 2019-2020 Talented and Gifted Advisory Committee (TAGAC) Scope of Work 15. Re-Appoint Mark Lacy to the Talented and Gifted Advisory Committee 16. Re-Appoint Emily Garrahan to the Talented and Gifted Advisory Committee 17. Re-Appoint John O'Connor to the Athletic Hall of Fame Advisory Committee 18. Re-Appoint Joseph Janukatys to the Career and Technical Education Advisory Committee 19. Appoint Tammy Rotz to the Special Education Advisory Committee 20. Minutes for the June 6 and June 20, 2019 School Board Meetings and the July 23, August 13, and August 22, 2019 Special Called School Board Meetings 21. Waiver of School Board Advisory Committee Chair Term Limit for Career and Technical Education Advisory Committee 22. Design/Build Contract for Ferdinand T. Day Elementary School Elevated Gymnasium
Items Pulled from Consent Calendar SY 2018-2019 Talented and Gifted Advisory Committee (TAGAC) Annual Report
Old Business and Action Items 23. The High School Project (5 minutes) Board Chair's Report 24. Report from Cindy M. Anderson
Superintendent's Report Opening of School Report from Dr. Gregory C. Hutchings, Jr. (10 minutes)