Call to Order 1. Meeting Called to Order by Vice Chair Nolan Closed Meeting and Certification of Closed Meeting (if needed) 2. Closed Meeting Action 3. Certification of Closed Meeting Action Pledge of Allegiance 4. Pledge of Allegiance Moment of Silence 5. Observe a Moment of Silence Adoption of Meeting Agenda 6. Adopt the Agenda for the June 20, 2019 School Board Meeting
10. Personnel Actions for Month of May 2019 Action 11. FY 2019 Monthly Financial Report Ending May 31, 2019 Action 12. Delegation of Authority for Financial Functions Action 13. Entitlement Grants: I, II, and III Action 14. Secondary Mathematics Textbook Adoption Action 15. Elementary Social Studies Textbook Adoption Action 16. Contract Modification--Custodial Services Action 17. Policy Revisions: GBE, JHC, JHCB Regulatory Revision: JHCB-R Action 18. Property Fund Use Authorization Action 19. Re-Appoint Leigh Dugan to the Talented and Gifted Advisory Committee Action 20. Re-Appoint Laura Rose to the Talented and Gifted Advisory Committee Action 21. Appoint Katie Aimone to the Career and Technical Education Advisory Committe Action 22. Appoint Shawnell Carmichael to the Career and Technical Education Advisory Committee Action 23. Appoint Allen Lomax to the Career and Technical Education Advisory Committee Action 24. Re-Appoint Michele Coffman to the CTE Advisory Committee and Grant a Term Limit and Residency Waiver Action 25. Re-Appoint David Remick to the Career and Technical Education Advisory Committee and Grant a Residency Waiver. 26. Appoint Michael Behrmann to the Special Education Advisory Committee Action 27. Appoint Cherlyn Jenkins to the Special Education Advisory Committee Action 28. Appoint Deborah Perry to the Special Education Advisory Committee Action 29. Appoint Alexis Stackhouse to the Special Education Advisory Committee Action 30. Appoint J-Lynn Van Pelt to the Special Education Advisory Committee Action 31. Appoint Jeff Zack to the Special Education Advisory Committee Action 32. 2019-2020 Athletic Hall of Fame Scope of Work Action 33. Athletic Hall of Fame 2018-2019 End of Year Report Action 34. Minutes for the May 23, 2019 School Board Meeting, the June 10, 2019 Special Called School Board Meeting, and the May 29, 2019 Superintendent Evaluation Criteria Committee Meeting
Call to Order 1. Meeting Called to Order by Vice Chair Nolan Closed Meeting and Certification of Closed Meeting (if needed) 2. Closed Meeting Action 3. Certification of Closed Meeting Action Pledge of Allegiance 4. Pledge of Allegiance Moment of Silence 5. Observe a Moment of Silence Adoption of Meeting Agenda 6. Adopt the Agenda for the June 20, 2019 School Board Meeting
10. Personnel Actions for Month of May 2019 Action 11. FY 2019 Monthly Financial Report Ending May 31, 2019 Action 12. Delegation of Authority for Financial Functions Action 13. Entitlement Grants: I, II, and III Action 14. Secondary Mathematics Textbook Adoption Action 15. Elementary Social Studies Textbook Adoption Action 16. Contract Modification--Custodial Services Action 17. Policy Revisions: GBE, JHC, JHCB Regulatory Revision: JHCB-R Action 18. Property Fund Use Authorization Action 19. Re-Appoint Leigh Dugan to the Talented and Gifted Advisory Committee Action 20. Re-Appoint Laura Rose to the Talented and Gifted Advisory Committee Action 21. Appoint Katie Aimone to the Career and Technical Education Advisory Committe Action 22. Appoint Shawnell Carmichael to the Career and Technical Education Advisory Committee Action 23. Appoint Allen Lomax to the Career and Technical Education Advisory Committee Action 24. Re-Appoint Michele Coffman to the CTE Advisory Committee and Grant a Term Limit and Residency Waiver Action 25. Re-Appoint David Remick to the Career and Technical Education Advisory Committee and Grant a Residency Waiver. 26. Appoint Michael Behrmann to the Special Education Advisory Committee Action 27. Appoint Cherlyn Jenkins to the Special Education Advisory Committee Action 28. Appoint Deborah Perry to the Special Education Advisory Committee Action 29. Appoint Alexis Stackhouse to the Special Education Advisory Committee Action 30. Appoint J-Lynn Van Pelt to the Special Education Advisory Committee Action 31. Appoint Jeff Zack to the Special Education Advisory Committee Action 32. 2019-2020 Athletic Hall of Fame Scope of Work Action 33. Athletic Hall of Fame 2018-2019 End of Year Report Action 34. Minutes for the May 23, 2019 School Board Meeting, the June 10, 2019 Special Called School Board Meeting, and the May 29, 2019 Superintendent Evaluation Criteria Committee Meeting