Call to Order 1. Meeting Called to Order by Chair Gentry Info Pledge of Allegiance 2. Pledge of Allegiance by Charles Barrett Elementary School Info Moment of Silence 3. Observe a Moment of Silence Info Adoption of Meeting Agenda 4. Adopt the Agenda for the June 7, 2018 School Board Meeting
Old Business and Action Items Adoption of the Final FY 2019-2028 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Budget
16. Contract for Roof Replacement at Cora Kelly Action 17. FY 2018 Monthly Financial Report Ending April 30, 2018 18. Policy Revisions 19. Appoint Ewan Thompson and Bridget Williams as the 2018-2019 Student Representatives to the School Board 20. Minutes from the May 31, 2018 Special Called School Board Meeting
Items Pulled from Consent Calendar Budget Transfer from the CIP Reserve Account to Support the George Washington Middle School Kitchen/ Cafeteria Renovation
Budget Transfer from the CIP Reserve Account to Support the Jefferson Houston Infrastructure Repair Project
Closed Meeting and Certification of Closed Meeting (if needed) 30. Closed Meeting and Certification of Closed Meeting Adjournment 31. Adjourn
Call to Order 1. Meeting Called to Order by Chair Gentry Info Pledge of Allegiance 2. Pledge of Allegiance by Charles Barrett Elementary School Info Moment of Silence 3. Observe a Moment of Silence Info Adoption of Meeting Agenda 4. Adopt the Agenda for the June 7, 2018 School Board Meeting
Old Business and Action Items Adoption of the Final FY 2019-2028 Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Budget
16. Contract for Roof Replacement at Cora Kelly Action 17. FY 2018 Monthly Financial Report Ending April 30, 2018 18. Policy Revisions 19. Appoint Ewan Thompson and Bridget Williams as the 2018-2019 Student Representatives to the School Board 20. Minutes from the May 31, 2018 Special Called School Board Meeting
Items Pulled from Consent Calendar Budget Transfer from the CIP Reserve Account to Support the George Washington Middle School Kitchen/ Cafeteria Renovation
Budget Transfer from the CIP Reserve Account to Support the Jefferson Houston Infrastructure Repair Project
Closed Meeting and Certification of Closed Meeting (if needed) 30. Closed Meeting and Certification of Closed Meeting Adjournment 31. Adjourn