Call to Order 1. Meeting Called to Order by Chair Anderson Pledge of Allegiance 2. Pledge of Allegiance by Students from Douglas MacArthur Elementary School Moment of Silence 3. Observe a Moment of Silence Adoption of Meeting Agenda 4. Adopt the Agenda for the May 23, 2019 School Board Meeting Action Recommendation: The Superintendent recommends that the School Board adopt the agenda for the May 23, 2019 School Board Meeting.
Recognition of Andrew Watson--Virginia Art Education Association (VAEA) State Art Educator Award and National Art Education Association (NAEA) Southeastern Region Supervision/Administration Art Educator Award Info
Closed Meeting and Certification of Closed Meeting (if needed) 9. Closed Meeting Action 10. Certification of Closed Meeting
11. Supplemental Personnel Actions Report for April 2019 12. Contract Modification Request--Patrick Henry Swing Space 13. Contract Modification Request--Consulting Contract for the High School Project 14. Contract for the Jefferson-Houston HVAC Project 15. Minutes for the April 4 and April 25, 2019 School Board Meetings and the April 25 and May 7, 2019 Meetings of Certain Board Members
Call to Order 1. Meeting Called to Order by Chair Anderson Pledge of Allegiance 2. Pledge of Allegiance by Students from Douglas MacArthur Elementary School Moment of Silence 3. Observe a Moment of Silence Adoption of Meeting Agenda 4. Adopt the Agenda for the May 23, 2019 School Board Meeting Action Recommendation: The Superintendent recommends that the School Board adopt the agenda for the May 23, 2019 School Board Meeting.
Recognition of Andrew Watson--Virginia Art Education Association (VAEA) State Art Educator Award and National Art Education Association (NAEA) Southeastern Region Supervision/Administration Art Educator Award Info
Closed Meeting and Certification of Closed Meeting (if needed) 9. Closed Meeting Action 10. Certification of Closed Meeting
11. Supplemental Personnel Actions Report for April 2019 12. Contract Modification Request--Patrick Henry Swing Space 13. Contract Modification Request--Consulting Contract for the High School Project 14. Contract for the Jefferson-Houston HVAC Project 15. Minutes for the April 4 and April 25, 2019 School Board Meetings and the April 25 and May 7, 2019 Meetings of Certain Board Members