Call to Order 1. Meeting Called to Order by Chair Anderson Closed Meeting and Certification of Closed Meeting (if needed) 2. Closed Meeting Action 3. Certification of Closed Meeting Action Pledge of Allegiance 4. Pledge of Allegiance by Students from Charles Barrett Elementary School Moment of Silence 5. Observe a Moment of Silence Adoption of Meeting Agenda 6. Adopt the Agenda for the February 21, 2019 School Board Meeting
Draft Joint City Council/School Board Budget Work Session Presentation (to be uploaded on 2/20/19)
12. Personnel Actions for the Month of January 2019 13. Policy BDDE: Rules of Order and Bylaws 14. Appoint Sean McEnearny to the Budget Advisory Committee 15. Appoint Kathleen Sheehy to the TAG Advisory Committee 16. Minutes for the January 24, 2019 School Board Meeting
Call to Order 1. Meeting Called to Order by Chair Anderson Closed Meeting and Certification of Closed Meeting (if needed) 2. Closed Meeting Action 3. Certification of Closed Meeting Action Pledge of Allegiance 4. Pledge of Allegiance by Students from Charles Barrett Elementary School Moment of Silence 5. Observe a Moment of Silence Adoption of Meeting Agenda 6. Adopt the Agenda for the February 21, 2019 School Board Meeting
Draft Joint City Council/School Board Budget Work Session Presentation (to be uploaded on 2/20/19)
12. Personnel Actions for the Month of January 2019 13. Policy BDDE: Rules of Order and Bylaws 14. Appoint Sean McEnearny to the Budget Advisory Committee 15. Appoint Kathleen Sheehy to the TAG Advisory Committee 16. Minutes for the January 24, 2019 School Board Meeting